Need German Deadheads for Grateful Dead game show recorded over Zoom

Mike, Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2022, 19:59 (vor 515 Tagen)

Hey now!

I'm looking for 5 German Deadheads to play Guess the Year, the Grateful Dead game show, which is recorded over Zoom (it only takes an hour) and released as a podcast.

In the game, five contestants listen to a clip from a Grateful Dead live track then guess what year the performance is from based on Jerry and Bob's vocals, the pianist, song choice, and various other clues. Whoever is furthest off is eliminated. Last person standing wins an awesome prize. Another huge component of the podcast, (which recently charted in the top 200 on Apple Podcasts) is everyone talking about how they got into the Dead. It's always a hoot!

Email us if you're interested in being a contestant. I'm based in Los Angeles, but we will record during the evening in Germany (exact dates TBD). The game is getting bigger in the US, so I want to recreate the Dead's Europe '72 tour by having country-specific shows in all the same countries they hit.

Here's a link to prove the show actually exists, as well as a link to our Instagram.


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