Kennt jemand Workmachine ?

PapaBear ⌂ @, Schwäbisch Hall, Freitag, 31. Januar 2020, 19:36 (vor 1563 Tagen)

Workmachine oder Work Machine - Dieser ominöse Name steht jedenfalls auf einem alten Tape, dass ich kürzlich digitalisiert habe.
Es handelt sich um die Vorgruppe von Jethro Tull 1974 in Colmar (Thick As A Brick Tour).
Musikalisch waren sie Tull recht ähnlich, z.T. mit Klarinette und Flöte.

Hinweis 1: Der Frontmann spricht eien starken schottischen Akzent.
Hinweis 2: Eines ihrer Stücke hieß SNARK.

Ich konnte bislang nirgends eine weiter Aufnahme oder gar LP finden.
Auch auf dem Ticket von damals steht nichts drauf.
Kann also auch gut sein, dass der Taper den Namen damals falsch verstanden hat.

Harte Nuss.

Kennt jemand Workmachine ?

rené, Samstag, 01. Februar 2020, 00:23 (vor 1562 Tagen) @ PapaBear

Du fragst ja Sachen. In der Geschichte der Insel der Affen gibt es tatsächlich einen Zusammenhang zwischen Jethro Tull und den Work Machines, Ersterer war nämlich ein Erfinder der Letzteren, und das vor 300 Jahren. Den Beleg hänge ich unten an. Und wer dem Englischen nicht so mächtig ist: Es geht um die Drill- Maschine. Um welchen Drill es hier geht, das findet bitte selber raus.

Mary Bellis

Updated July 01, 2019
A farmer, writer, and inventor, Jethro Tull was an instrumental figure in English agriculture, pushing to improve age-old agrarian practices by applying science and technology.

Early Life
Born in 1674 to well-to-do parents, Tull grew up on the family’s Oxfordshire estate. After withdrawing from St. John’s College in Oxford, he moved to London, where he studied the pipe organ before becoming a law student. In 1699, Tull qualified as a barrister, toured Europe, and got married. ​

Relocating with his bride to the family farm, Tull eschewed law to work the land. Inspired by agrarian practices he saw in Europe — including pulverized soil around evenly spaced plants — Tull was determined to experiment at home.

The Seed Drill
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill in 1701 as a way to plant more efficiently. Prior to his invention, sowing seeds was done by hand, by scattering them on the ground or placing them in the ground individually, such as with bean and pea seeds. Tull considered scattering wasteful because many seeds did not take root.

His finished seed drill included a hopper to store the seed, a cylinder to move it, and a funnel to direct it. A plow at the front created the row, and a harrow at the back covered the seed with soil. It was the first agricultural machine with moving parts. It started as a one-man, one-row device, but later designs sowed seeds in three uniform rows, had wheels and were drawn by horses. Using wider spacing than previous practices allowed horses to draw the equipment and not step on the plants.

Other Inventions
Tull went on to make more “groundbreaking” inventions, literally. His horse-drawn hoe or hoe-plow dug up the soil, loosening it for planting while also pulling up unwanted weed roots. He mistakenly thought that the soil itself was the food for plants and that breaking it up allowed the plants to take it in better.

The real reason that you loosen soil for planting is that the act allows more moisture and air to reach plant roots. Coinciding with his theory on the way plants fed, he also believed that you should till the soil while the plant is growing, not just during planting. His idea that plants grow better with tilled soil around them, though, is correct if not his theory on why. Tilling around plants reduces weeds competing with the crops, allowing the desired plants to grow better.

Tull also improved designs of the plow.

These inventions were put to the test, and Tull’s farm thrived. Even spacing; less seed waste; better aeration per plant; and less weed growth all increased his yields.

In 1731, the inventor and farmer published "The New Horse Houghing Husbandry: Or, an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation." His book was met with opposition in some quarters — especially his mistaken idea that manure didn't help plants — but eventually, his mechanical ideas and practices couldn't be denied to be useful and work well. Farming, thanks to Tull, had become a bit more rooted in science.

So, das führt nicht wirklich weiter, oder? Ist aber ein netter verbaler Zusammenhang.



PapaBear, Samstag, 01. Februar 2020, 10:38 (vor 1562 Tagen) @ rené

Danke René,

ich dachte mir schon, dass der gewählte Name kein Zufall sein kann.

Vielleicht war es ja auch ein Tull-Hobbyprojekt, dass als eigene Vorgruppe fungierte (es sind auch nur 25 Minuten auf dem Tape).

Alles sehr obskur. Und einen Anderson hört man da auch nicht heraus.

Viele Grüße aus SHA am Day One A.B.


rené, Samstag, 01. Februar 2020, 12:09 (vor 1562 Tagen) @ PapaBear

Ja, so sehe ich das soweit auch, ein Hobby- oder Seitenprojekt. Ansonsten bin ich in der Platten-Recherche recht gut und konnte auch nichts eigenständiges finden.
schöne Tage

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