Auf der Suche nach Cheeseheads/Deadheads

Mama Cass @, Bamberg, Donnerstag, 25. August 2016, 20:53 (vor 2823 Tagen)

:-D Hallo Ihr Lieben!

Meiner Name ist Cassandra, auch bekannt als Mama Cass. Ich komme ursprünglich aus den USA aber werde in Bamberg für die nächsten 2 Jahren einen Master machen. Grateful Dead, String Cheese Incident, Moe. sind ein paar Lieblingsbands von mir und ich suche nach andere DeadHeads and Cheeseheads in der Nähe von Bamberg, weil ich gleichgesinnte Volk brauche, bei denen ich gutes Musik anhören und abhängen kann! Sorry für das schlechte Deutsch! Ich freue mich sehr auf Deutsche DeadHeads und Cheeseheads kennenzulernen! Es wäre total super, wenn jemandem mich notifizieren könnte, wenn ein gutes Konzert oder Veranstaltung stattfindet. Ich habe ebenfalls eine MENGE von Live Shows mitzuteilen. Vielen herzlichen Dank an Ihr Alle! Much love!

Liebe Grüße
Mama Cass

Auf der Suche nach Cheeseheads/Deadheads

Mama Cassc @, Donnerstag, 25. August 2016, 23:15 (vor 2823 Tagen) @ Mama Cass

Auf der Suche nach Cheeseheads/Deadheads

DeadRock, Sonntag, 28. August 2016, 19:36 (vor 2820 Tagen) @ Mama Cass

Hey now Cass,

welcome to Germany & best wishes for your study & with learning German. It sounds pretty good but i suspect you used google translator? Apologies if not & then your German already is really really good.

I'm not close to you (rather way up north) but you might be interested in the concerts of the Franken jamband Mars Mushrooms (they posted some dates, see a few threads below).

But i like the Dead & Jerry Band a lot. Maybe more than a lot. Right now i listen to Jerry Live Vol 6 & if you don't know it you will be floored. Best of the series in my opinion but i like Legion of Mary phase best anyway.

I also like Cheese though i don't listen that much to them as to Jerry. Here is one funny story from Cheese tour 2004: My buddy and me were talking to the peeps standing in the 300 meter long line in front of Melkweg to score a ticket. Billy walks along and my buddy sez "it's sold out" to him. Billy: "Uh i hope we get in". Stills gives me chuckles today. I wish they would come to Europe once more!

Cheers Dietmar

PS: Evrybuddy got in even Billy ;-) Don't remember anything of the show but that they blasted some Dead Dark Star during setbreak with full volume & i really enjoyed it.

Auf der Suche nach Cheeseheads/Deadheads

mama cass @, Bamberg, Donnerstag, 01. September 2016, 19:54 (vor 2816 Tagen) @ DeadRock


Thanks for responding. I didn't use google translator hahaha but I'm glad you think it was good at least! I have loads of music to share you if you're interested and maybe shoot me an email if you know of anything awesome going on that you think i'd like!

The Billy story is super funny. What a guy he is! Such a huge fan. Once drank a bunch of whiskey at a shitty bar with him and must say, we both walked out feeling a little rough! haha

I really appreciated your post. Let me know about some events! Maybe we could meet as well.

mama cass

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